Step by Step Guide on Royal Icing


These are the simple procedures of making a royal icing, Actually these are my steps, it may differ from others

v  First of all heat treats the egg whites if you choose to do so. Warm the eggs in a bain-marie over low heat for 2-3 minutes, whisking constantly. Do this just until the egg whites have become warm but are not cooking. This will help to kill any bacteria in the eggs and it will make them even safer to use when raw.

v  On a stand mixer fitted with whisk attachment, (you can use what you have if you don’t have the stand mixer) beat egg whites in a clean, large bowl with the mixer at high speed until foamy, around 2 minutes.

v  Gradually add sifted sugar (this is the sugar that you have sifted or filtered) spoonful by spoonful followed by the lemon juice.

v  Beat at a very fast rate until thickened.

v  The icing at this stage will be at a good consistency. If you want it stiffer for frosting a cake, or writing on cakes, add more icing sugar until you get the consistency you desire.

v  Place the icing into a bowl and cover with wrap. Make sure you allow the  wrap to touch the icing so there will be no air in the bowl. This will stop it from going hard while you are waiting to use it.

v  Use it straight away or store at room temperature for up to 2 weeks. This will be enough to cover 1 large cake.



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